My Top Five Podcasts for Better Productivity

Podcasts have gone from a hobby made just for geeks to a mainstream aspect of social media. Granted, only one or two of my friends actually know what podcasts are but hey, the rest will see the light. (and yes, I do have more than two friends) Seriously though, podcasts are so big that even Apple recently released their own podcast app.

How do I use podcasts on a daily basis? Since I have a 35 minute commute, I listen to a variety of podcasts on the way to and from work. My "morning set" tends to be inspirational so that I can start the day off on the right foot while my "evening set" tends to be more technical, usually focusing on Mac-related news. My podcast app of choice is Instacast but there are a number of good alternatives that would do the job just as well.

Here are five that I listen to on a regular basis:

1. Home Work from 70 Decibels Network. Aaron Mahnke and Dave Caolo host this show for folks who work from home. I don't do that on a regular basis but the show applies to just about anyone who wants to work with purpose.

2. This is Your Life. Michael Hyatt hosts this show and it's first rate. He covers everything from productivity to leadership to social media.

3. Catalyst Podcast. Hosted by Ken Coleman and Brad Lomenick, this cast features content from the super-popular Catalyst series of leadership conferences. These have a more spiritual twist but since productivity is related to spirituality, I thought I would include it in the mix.

4. Manager Tools. Hosted by Mike Auzenne and Mark Horstman, Manager Tools is one of the most impressive (and largest inventory) podcast about all things related to work. Very practical and extremely useful for GTD enthusiasts. They have literally hundreds of casts to enjoy.

5. Mac Power Users. Katie Floyd and David Sparks host this show about working in a Mac environment. If you can put up with David's sometimes snarky comments, you'll love the show. I've learned a lot about security, work hacks and of course, getting more from your Mac computer.

What am I missing? Which podcast would you add to this list?

Oh and by the way, you can always listen to The Daily Saint podcast series here.

Photo courtesy of AMDG