Four Things to Remember When Giving a Talk

keynoteI'll be speaking this Saturday at the Catechetical Congress (say that four times fast!) for the Diocese of Metuchen, NJ.  The title of my workshop is:

"Getting Things Done: A View of Time Management for Ministerial Leaders"

I thought I'd share with you some things that I try to remember when I'm prepping for a talk:

  • Who is my audience? Many people forget this important and obvious piece of public speaking.  For my talk, I'm figuring that folks who sign up are stressed, curious and feeling overwhelmed with work.

  • What will grab their attention? I'll be using a Keynote presentation with just enough visual stimulation to keep them engaged without over doing it.  I'll also share some funny quips to start the show.

  • What story can I share with them? People love stories so it's smart to dig deep and pepper your talk with a few stories of interest.  Too many and folks may think you have no "real" content.  Not enough and a talk gets boring.

  • What practical application can I impart? Being practical is one of the most important parts to a good workshop.  Most people have no interest in becoming a philosopher.  All have a desire to do things better, smarter, faster, and easier.

I'll share my slides with TDS readers once they're complete.  Until then, feel free to check out some of the other great speakers on the roster.

*Photo by herzogbr