Instead of What You Have to Do, Think of What You Get to Do

You hear people say it all the time- I have to do this or I have to do that.  It's become so commonplace that we don't think twice about the vocabulary of "have to".

Except that, ironically, our language doesn't have to include anything.

It's usually context that helps us to change our perspective, from have to to get to.  When I say context, I mean any number of things that bring gratitude back to our mindset.  This could be the result of moving away, going on a trip, experiencing something mind-blowing or whatever.

Here's an example.  I work with a guy who was once a successful attorney, most likely making a good dollar and on a fast track to something bigger.  He eventually decided to put that road on the shelf and get off the highway and become a teacher.  He now teaches high school history and law and is very happy as a result.  "I get to do this every day," is something I've heard him say from time to time.  He's also a darn good educator.  

My point of gratitude which shifted my vocabulary from have to to get to, was a result of working in different places.  I always tell young teachers that they most valuable thing they can do is work in more than one place rather than becoming a "lifer".  Lifers lose perspective and get cranky.  People with perspective have gratitude.  They see change as inevitable and embrace opportunity.  Are you one of those people?  

Why not start today?  Instead of using the vocabulary of "have to", try on the verbiage of "get to".  

I get to work in a Diocese.  

I get to lead a school.  

I get to manage people.  

I get to commute each day.  

I get to live in the suburbs.  

I get to go on vacation.

I get to enjoy a free country.  

I get to worship God and share that relationship with others. 

What do you get to do that you previously though of as a burden?  


Photo courtesy of BB