How You Can Turn an Idea into a Blog Post

You have great ideas and so do I.

The problem is, we often think that ordinary people are excluded from making those great ideas into something more concrete. For me, writing has been one of the best ways to take a rough concept and turn it into something that people can use in their daily lives.

So here's how it goes for me:

  1. I capture all of my ideas into a list called "Blog Post Ideas".  Using Nozbe as my task manager of choice, this list is where I dump all of my ideas for the blog.  
  2. When offline, I capture ideas according to the following, "BPI: How to Get More Sleep at Night".  When I do my weekly review, just seeing "BPI" before a phrase or title reminds me to include the idea the next time I can access Nozbe.
  3. At night when I write, I just go to my list and write.
  4. Using Squarespace, I draft the post and then publish it. 
  5. The post then triggers Twitter to send out a tweet to my followers with a link to the post.
  6. Finally, I use Buffer to remind people to read the post the next time that Buffer schedules a tweet.  

That's how it works for me.  I love taking an idea and then seeing how far it can go, all with the help of the blog.

How are you bringing ideas to the marketplace or to the internet?