Mini Review of The Adventures of Johnny Bunko by Dan Pink

I first stumbled upon Dan Pink a summer ago at an educator's conference in Louisville, KY.  His book, A Whole New Mind, was groundbreaking for me as it pointed to a new reality in the workplace.  His latest book, The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need does not disappoint.

Bunko is described as "America’s first business book in the Japanese comic format known as manga – and the last career guide you’ll ever need."  As my son is big into comic books these days, Bunko was right up my alley and proved a quick read.  It essentially follows a man who lives in cubicle nation and discovers six secrets to doing well at work and at life.

Aided by the sort-of-attractive Diana, who appears only when Johnny activates his magic chopsticks, Johnny goes from depressed to top dog in his workplace, The Boggs Corporation.  The story line is full of dips and turns and Johnny is joined by several pals along the way.  Think of it as a road trip via the office and its myriad deadlines.

So what are the six secrets that Diana reveals?

  1. There is no plan.

  2. Think strengths, not weaknesses.

  3. It's not about you.

  4. Persistence trumps talent.

  5. Make excellent mistakes.

  6. Leave an imprint.

I'm not going to detail each of these because the book is just too darn good and you'll want to read it for yourself!  I loved it not only because I dig the author's points (and they are not just from the cuff- each is rooted in research and experience) but because I am a graphical creative type who appreciates a new form of writing, I mean, drawing.


Once you've picked up the book, be sure to listen to some of Dan Pink's talks and keynotes.  He is funny, down to earth and elaborates on many of the points found in Johnny Bunko.  Enjoy!