Podcast #7: The Art of Productive Reading

In this episode, I provide an inspiring quote from William Byron, S.J. about finding meaning in and through daily work.  Other items:

  • NEWS: Visit my new promo site www.mikestpierre.com.  You'll find audio interviews, downloads and more!

  • EVENT CALENDAR: My class with noted historian Elinor Ford, PhD was inspiring to say the least!  I also had the privilege of leading the retreat for new teachers who participate in the EPICS program from the Archdiocese of Newark, NJ.  Author Allan Wright also provided several talks and lots of laughs.

  • TIPS & TRICKS: 5 points for making your reading more productive.

Enjoy the podcast!


Dr. Elinor Ford, fourth from left, was the first woman to be superintendent of schools for the Archdiocese of New York.  She then went on to become CEO of Sadlier Books.

EPICS and Cataleen at the park 216

EPICS retreat, held at the Delbarton School.