Malcolm Gladwell and Why Less is More

If you've picked up Malcolm Gladwell's new book, Outliers, you're probably enjoying it in the same way that people buy one brand of car over and over again.  My pastor has driven Audis for as long as I can remember.  It's just something he swears by.  I'm a Gladwell fan and I dig his writing.

As for me, I'm finishing up Gladwell's second book, Blink, The Power of Thinking Without Thinking.   I'll post a mini-review of the book eventually but one point caught me eye regarding how much information is needed to make important decisions:
"We live in a world saturated with information.  We have virtually unlimited amounts of data at our fingertips at all times...But what I have sensed is an enormous frustration with the unexpected costs of knowing too much, of being inundated with information.  We have come to confuse information with understanding."

After reading this, I lassoed several connecting threads.  First I thought back to Tim Ferris' concept of the low information diet.  Ferris' point is that it's ok not to read 85 blog posts a day.  Life will go on.  It's ok to not check your email every hour.

I then recalled that Leo Babauta's new book is all about simplifying everything from information intake to posessions.  Leo's mantra over the past year has been to do with less, streamline so that your mind is free to focus on the really important things.

So here's the deal- whether you're a stay-at-home mother of toddlers or a top-flight CEO, it's not so much about knowing more as it is about knowing the right things at the right time.