GTD Cafe: A New Spin on "Waiting For" Action Items

Each Wednesday The Daily Saint hosts the GTD Cafe, focusing on David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology.

I made a tragic mistake yesterday in a department store: I picked the slow line. 

For about five minutes I watched as a cashier-in-training processed the clothing of an older woman who did not seem familiar with the whole debit card process.  The woman behind me said something about "those foreigners" who shop at the store, an apparent swipe at the woman ahead of us. 

It was a great GTD moment of 'waiting for'- trying to get things done but unable to as quickly as I would have liked.  No big deal in the cosmic scheme of things.  It got me thinking: how do you track your 'waiting for' items?

Kelly Forrister, a David Allen coach, posts about the importance of tracking 'waiting for' items.  My colleague Phil Pearcy tracks people via a simple daily list of folks that he has to meet with.  Sometimes the list is 10 people deep and sometimes 30.  The key is persistence and follow through.

Resources for the Road
43 Folders on Waiting For
Matthew Cornell on His Favorite List: Waiting For
GTD Wannabe on Waiting For