How Moving Teaches Simplicity

Cardboard boxes teach you a great deal about life.  Our house and possessions have just been boxed up and shipped off to New Jersey.  The house is now empty, a few things still left in the corners, waiting to be tossed away.  Strangely, I am enjoying every minute of this process.  Here's what moving has taught me:

  • Stuff is only worth so much.  I could probably put the most valuable possessions into one and only one box.  The rest?  While we're taking much of it, it's still not nearly as valuable as the marrow of friendship, one's faith or the bonds between family members.

  • Throwing things away frees you up.  There are few things better than discarding unnecessary things.  Not only does it give you more space but it's good for the soul.  If you're looking for a quick pick-me-up, throw some things away.  The effect is a surprising boost!

  • Empty space allows you to focus.  My office has been nothing but a desk and a computer for over a week and I love it!  Sure, it's bland and I wouldn't want it to be that way for the long haul, but for now it's simple and clean. My blog posts have benefited as a result as I have fewer visual distractions.

As I'm now hitting the road to the Garden State, I'll do my best to keep posting, even if it's from Exit 9 off of the NJ Turnpike.  There's bound to be a wi-fi connection...right?