Interruptions at Work

I gave a series of talks last friday to the assistant principals of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
During their spring retreat day, I discussed how one can see their work
as holy. In other words, how to connect faith and the business of life?

discussed interruptions and I painted a portrait of how two people
handle interruptions. Phil vs. Paula. Phil sees interruptions as
sidetracks away from his real, important work. Paula on the other hand,
sees interruptions as a part of the road. She's heading somewhere but
she knows that there will be some tough potholes to navigate. Obviously
Paula provides a better paradigm for the busy executive.

Time Thoughts has a great piece about handling interruptions as does Business Tool Chest.

When it comes to our faith, author Allan Wright
talks about the life of Jesus as a "costly display of unexpected love".
In other words, Jesus was interruptable. Now that's a new spin on the
potential value of interruptions.