Signs of a Spiritual Leader

Some leaders have the flash but not the substance and there are others who climb the ladder in order to satisfy some personal need to be "in power".  What about the spiritual leader?  By this I mean the man or woman who can lead but is also deeply motivated by forces other than greed, power and accolade?

Margaret Benefiel and Rebecca Darden Phipps had this to say in 1999, "The nurture of spirituality within organizations begins with spiritually grounded and spiritually liberated leadership.  Leaders whose vision arises from their discernment of God's will, and who are motivated by their commitment to be faithful to that understanding, are focused on something beyond themselves."

If you know someone like the person described above, lend them your support.  These leaders are few and far between- this rare kind of leadership has few peers and rarely gets the encouragement that is needed.  Send them a note, drop them a line or just say "thanks" for all that they do.