Mini Review: Derailed by Tim Irwin, Ph.D.

Derailed3DLargeFINALjpg350_001If you are a blogger and are looking for a good source of books, Thomas Nelson Publishers provides a Blogger Review program.  Sign up, review their books and share some blogger love.  It's good for Thomas Nelson and provides the writer with a steady flow of quality reads.

I received Derailed by Tim Irwin, Ph.D. a few weeks back and read the entire book in less than two days.  It's my kind of read, blending business concepts with old-fashioned values.  Readers of The Daily Saint will find Dr. Irwin to be a friend to the spirituality of work movement.  He obviously gets it and is committed to helping folks find meaning from their work.

I enjoyed the overall structure of Irwin's book as he profiles six corporate leaders and how they fell from grace.  His examples ranged from one CEO who walked away from millions due to impropriety to another who spent millions on personal luxuries.  You read about these women and men and pray to God that you don't end up the same way.

Irwin's message is simple- learn from the mistakes of these leaders and you won't end up the same way.  Stay humble, emphasize character and focus on self awareness.  I think you'll enjoy Derailed not out of fear but out of the hope it will build in you to stay on track in your leadership path.